Monday, July 12, 2004

Live Plant Journal - Part 1's site is behaving more like a blog these days. Here's the start of a nice series on an aquarist's log of setting up a planted aquarium. Nice!

Live Plant Journal - Part 1

Water Change on July 11

Ummm. . . been a little while since the last water change on the 55 gallon. Way too long in fact. Oops.

Did a 40% change last night. Lots of brown algae -- I think it might have been dead blue green algae, because it came off in sheets. The regular brown stuff that grows in low light (forget the name, begins with dia...) doesn't usually come off of the glass and rocks like that. If it was dead, could be that the reduced light cycle (8 hours a day on) is working.

Anyway, despite the grunge in the tank and the length of time since the last water change, the fish seem to be doing fine. I haven't cleaned the filter yet... starting to think i should do that soon.

Reference Desk

This is a nice site of links to good references for aqarium owners: Reference Desk Thanks, Shirlie Sharpe from!