Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cycling a New Tank (29 gallon)

I'm reviving this blog to record my progress on cycling a new 29 gallon aquarium. The details of the process can be found in some of my first posts to this blog, starting here and here's the article I use for reference.

I set up the tank on Sunday and added 1/4 teaspoon pure ammonia to the tank late that night. Here are my readings for Monday and tonight:

Last night:
2.0 ppm ammonia
(did not measure nitrite)

1.0 ppm ammonia
0.5 ppm nitrite

Tank plan in brief: My five-year old son really wants some Glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), so I'm building the tank around them... planning a Indian/southeast asian planted aquarium. More to come!

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