Sunday, May 02, 2004

The new fish have arrived for the 55 Gallon

We just got back from Uncle Ned's Fish Factory with some nice looking fish. We're starting with two Neolamprologus caudopunctatus, two Julidochromis regani kipili, and two Neolamprologus "daffodils." They are all under two inches to start with, so should not put too many demands on the tank and I think they are hardy fish.

So, for the most part I am happy. I wish I had done my research a little more closely on the Julidochromis species before I went, though. I thought most species remained below 6 inches (really my maximum size for a 55 gallon -- and even that is a little large.) But according to the Baensch Atlas, J. regani can get up to 12"!! I am hoping that is a typo. If it isn't, then I am not happy. I'll have to trade them in eventually, I guess. I like to think I can accomodate a fish during it's entire lifespan. But foot long fish are far too big for a 55 gallon.

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